Will Bankruptcy Impact My Ability to Adopt?

paper cutout of a family in between hands on a blue background
It’s not uncommon for adoptive parents-to-be to worry about how much of their past will impact their ability to adopt a child. Most commonly, couples worry if their financial history will inhibit their ability to adopt. We know how difficult the process can be. Let us help you understand the potential impacts of a bankruptcy on your financial record on adoption.

When You Filed Makes a Difference

One factor that adoption agencies look at when reviewing adoption applications is a family’s financial stability and ability to provide for a child. One important factor the agency will review is when the bankruptcy was filed. If you filed bankruptcy 10+ years ago, it may not have as large of an impact on your ability to adopt. However, because you have filed bankruptcy in the past, you will need to be able to provide proof that you have regained control of your finances and have made progress to get out of debt. Responsibility is the main trait needed in potential adoptive parents. If you can take challenges head-on and prevail, that shows strength needed from bringing in a child who may require extra support. However, just because you have filed bankruptcy does not mean you are not responsible. In fact, showing you know how to overcome challenges may give you an edge. But know that if you recently filed for bankruptcy and are still undergoing the process, you may want to wait to adopt until you are able to financially support a child.

Be Upfront - Leaving out Facts Can Hurt Your Chances of Adoption

Many families think that by not telling the adoption agency that they have filed for bankruptcy will better their chances of being approved for adoption. However, being untruthful can be damaging to your adoption capabilities so being truthful is always the better choice when you know your financial past may bring up questions.

Contact a Bankruptcy Lawyer About the Adoption Legal Process

If you have concerns about the adoption process because you have filed for bankruptcy in the past, it is best to consult with a bankruptcy attorney who can guide you through the standing financial implications of bankruptcy. In many cases, a past bankruptcy filing will not impact your ability to make life changes, but an attorney will be able to give you peace of mind moving forward.

The Jones Law Firm is Your Columbus Ohio Bankruptcy Attorney

Adoption can be very exciting. But when you have a history of financial distress, you may wonder if you’ll be able to add to your family. The Jones Law Firm is here to help. If you are considering bankruptcy and adoption, let us review your situation to come up with a plan. You deserve a fresh start in life. Let us handle the finances. Contact The Jones Law Firm today.
Categories: General Bankruptcy