New Year’s Resolutions To Bring You Financial Peace in 2021
December 22nd, 2020

It’s crazy to think that 2021 is literally days away. Though so many of us are ready and eager to move on into the New Year, you may have financial concerns that are making you wish you can put the breaks on the upcoming year. At The Jones Law Firm, we know how difficult the past year has been for Ohio families, which is why we’ve come up with some New Year’s resolutions you can use to bring you financial peace into 2021.
#1. Have personal goals and financial ones.
For so many people, losing weight, exercising more, and getting organized are top New Years’ resolutions. While getting healthy and setting personal goals are a great way to kick-off a new year, we suggest adding financial goals to your list. This can include charting where you hope to be by paying down high-interest credit cards, establishing a savings account, or paying off a little extra on those student loan payments.#2. Make a budget and use it!
We know--After the holidays when spending has become the norm, the last thing you can think about is establishing a budget. But now is the exact time you should. A budget doesn’t mean every dollar is going to be spent on bills, groceries, and medical needs. You can still have some “fun money” set aside each month. But your goal should be to gain financial control, establish a savings buffer in case of emergencies, and get on track after holiday spending.#3. Be vigilant in monitoring your credit report.
Some credit card companies offer you a monthly, or bi-monthly credit report to let you know where your score is at present. Unfortunately, many of us see those emails or mailings and toss them to the side. It’s important in the new year you are vigilant in monitoring your credit report for errors, and to see when you can improve your financial life. Did you know that is the only federally approved website that partners with TransUnion, Equifax, and Experian to provide a free credit report to you each year? And, given the financial instability of COVID-19, they are now offering additional free services through April 2021.#4. Gain financial knowledge.
It’s easy to say “I’m going to take control of my finances.” But most of us are not financial experts. And with so much misinformation out there, it’s hard to know what services to trust, and where you can go for valuable information. LifeHack has compiled a list of popular websites on personal finance to help you find a community that speaks to your specific needs.#5. Don’t fear bankruptcy.
No one wants to start a new year with a bankruptcy filing, but it’s actually a great time to do it. With so many myths about bankruptcy, it’s no wonder people are afraid to file. But you shouldn’t be. When you work with a trusted bankruptcy attorney in Ohio, you will be able to decide if a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy filing is right for you, and how to get back on track to financial peace in the years ahead. But where do you start? The Jones Law Firm.Financial New Year’s Resolutions: The Jones Law Firm
If financial freedom and recovery is part of your 2021 resolutions, The Jones Law Firm is here to help. Contact Columbus, Ohio bankruptcy attorney Michael Ryan Jones for a free consultation that will give you an idea of the form of bankruptcy that is right for you, and if now is the right time for you. Don’t wait--start the new year off right. The Jones Law Firm serves clients in Reynoldsburg and Columbus, Ohio, and throughout the Franklin County area.Categories: General Bankruptcy